Colorado Center Party Candidate - Colorado Center Party

My Life’s Journey

I have made it my mission to advocate for victims of domestic violence because it is a cause close to my heart.  Growing up, I witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of abuse within my own family.  My father was not just physically violent; he also inflicted emotional scars on my mother, threatening her with harm if she dared to leave him.

One memory that is etched in my mind is the terror I felt as a child, hearing my mother’s screams suddenly silenced by my father’s hands.  Rushing to her side, I confronted him, pleading for him to stop.  But his rage turned towards me, and I found myself on the receiving end of his violence, a victim of his unchecked anger.

As I grew older, I made the courageous decision to call the authorities on my own father, desperate to break the cycle of abuse.  Despite my efforts, my mother remained trapped in a cycle of fear and manipulation, unable to leave due to my father’s threats.

Throughout those turbulent years, I became a source of strength for my younger siblings, shielding them from the chaos that unfolded behind closed doors.  We would huddle together, seeking solace in each other’s embrace, determined to protect each other from harm.

My journey led me to a career in government, where I have dedicated twenty-six years to serving my community.  From working in police departments, courts municipal and county to collaborating with the District Attorney’s office on cases of domestic violence and child abuse, I have been driven by a steadfast commitment to seek justice for the voiceless.

Outside of my professional endeavors, I have volunteered with numerous nonprofits, witnessing firsthand the struggles of those in need.  Through leadership courses and community engagement initiatives, I have sought to broaden my understanding and make a tangible difference in the lives of others.

My dedication was recognized with a medal of distinction from the Police Chief for my community engagement efforts in 2023.  But for me, the greatest reward is knowing that I am making a difference, using my voice to speak against the injustices that once plagued my own family.

By amplifying the voices of survivors and working collaboratively with communities and organizations, we can bring forth essential resources and foster a culture of compassion and understanding. Together, we can create a world where every individual feels valued, supported, and free from the cycle of abuse.